At Red Tent we focus on fertility acupuncture, painful periods acupuncture, PCOS acupuncture, endometriosis acupuncture, pre-conception care acupuncture, pregnancy acupuncture, preparation for birth, TCM, birth acupuncture and paediatric acupuncture.

At our Erskineville location, we service customers from the eastern suburbs, inner west and the city. From our Bondi Beach location, we see clients from the eastern suburbs and Randwick. We also give online telehealth consultations for all your healthcare needs for women's health, fertility, postnatal and for your children. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. We are here to support you.

At Red Tent we focus on fertility acupuncture, painful periods acupuncture, PCOS acupuncture, endometriosis acupuncture, pre-conception care acupuncture, pregnancy acupuncture, preparation for birth, TCM, birth acupuncture and paediatric acupuncture.

At our Erskineville location, we service customers from the eastern suburbs, inner west and the city. From our Bondi Beach location, we see clients from the eastern suburbs and Randwick. We also give online telehealth consultations for all your healthcare needs for women's health, fertility, postnatal and for your children. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. We are here to support you.


Contact & clinic information

89a Erskineville Road, Erskineville, 2043 AU
+61 404 457 911