- A combination of 8 locally sourced biogenic flower essences with a purified water and brandy base
Negative Condition
- Always over committed
- No time for self
- Impatience
Positive Outcome
- Encourages own time and space
- Calmness and peace
- Relax and have fun
- Wind down
- Clarity
- 7 drops under the tongue morning and night
Contains alcohol
- Always read the label
- The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended as a substitute for qualified healthcare advice
- Contains homoeopathic ingredients
Ingredient |
Tetratheca ericifolia (Black-eyed susan) | |
Callistemon linearis (Bottlebrush) | |
Boronia ledifolia | |
Epacris longiflora (Bush fuchsia) | |
Crowea saligna | |
Jacaranda mimosifolia | |
Actinotus minor (Little flannel flower) | |
Carica papaya (Paw paw) |