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  • Being quite a widespread vegetation, Parmelia s. lat. is generally found growing on soil, rock or wood
  • May be beneficial for those going through major changes in their life such as career or moving house
  • Can be used when a person has experienced a sudden death

Negative condition

  • Not knowing to look for and move into the Light when passing over
  • Finding major life change difficult
  • Earthbound in the astral plane

Positive outcome

  • Assists separation between the physical and etheric body
  • Eases one's transition into the Light
  • Releases earthbound energies
  • Coping with change


  • 7 drops under the tongue morning and night as dispensed by your practitioner


Contains alcohol
  • Always read the label
  • The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended as a substitute for qualified healthcare advice
  • Contains homoeopathic ingredients


Parmelia s. lat. (Lichen)