- A combination of 7 locally sourced biogenic flower essences with a purified water and brandy base
- Can be used by all age groups
- Vegan friendly
Negative Condition
- Not looking after own needs
- Burdened by responsibility
- Overwhelmed
- Not trusting own intuition
Positive Outcome
- Renewal
- Mother child connection
- Enthusiasm
- Peace and calm
- Resiliance
- Self-nurturing
Dispensing suggestion to avoid alcohol:
- Apply 7 drops topically to the crown of the head or wrist pulse points or diluted in water
- Alternatively, place drops into hot water and drink when cooled (the temperature at which you would drink a cup of tea)
- 7 drops under the tongue morning and night
Contains alcohol
- Always read the label
- The ideas and suggestions identified here are not intended as a substitute for qualified healthcare advice
- Contains homoeopathic ingredients
Ingredient |
Prostanthera cuneata (Alpine mint bush) | |
Callistemon linearis (Bottlebrush) | |
Epacris longiflora (Bush fuchsia) | |
Crowea saligna | |
Eucalyptus macrocarpa | |
Carica papaya (Paw paw) | |
Philotheca salsolifolia |