For relief of common cold and flu symptoms
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin (Jia Wei) formula, traditionally used to remove Heat toxin
Niu Pi Xuan Te Xiao Fang formula, traditionally used to dissipate blood-stasis
Relieve symptoms of common cold and flu
Zhi Sou Hua Tan Te Xiao Fang formula, traditionally used to dispel Phlegm Heat pattern
Traditionally used to relieve symptoms of sore throat
Pi Fu Bing Jie Du Fang formula, traditionally used to remove Heat toxin
Yin Qiao Sang Ju Gan Mao Ling formula, traditionally used to diffuse lung-qi
An Chuang Ling formula, traditionally used to disperse lung and blood heat
Cold and flu symptom relief
Bi Yuan Tong Qiao Fang formula, traditionally used to clear nasal passages
Traditionally used to increase cough productivity
Flower essence for feeling attached to the past
Liang Xue Xiao Feng San formula, traditionally used to tonify Blood
Traditionally used to relieve common cold and flu symptoms
Traditionally used to promote cough productivity