88 results for Dietitian. Clear results
A dietitian is a professional who applies the science of food and nutrition to promote health, prevent and treat disease to optimise the health of individuals, groups, communities, and populations (1).
The profession of dietetics contributes to the promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of illness by optimising the nutrition of populations, communities, and individuals. Dietitians have a defined and recognisable body of knowledge and utilise scientific principles and methods in the study of nutrition and dietetics, applying these results to influence the wider environment affecting food intake and eating behaviour. The scope of dietetic practice is such that dietitians may work in a variety of settings and have a variety of work functions (1).
Dietitians provide a range of evidence-based nutrition services related to nutrition, public health nutrition, policy and research, and community health, have the expertise to provide individual dietary counselling, medical nutrition therapy, group dietary therapy and food service management. A dietitian has undertaken a course of study that included substantial theory and supervised and assessed professional practice in clinical nutrition, medical nutrition therapy and food service management (1).
1 | Dietitians Association of Australia. Dietitian or nutritionist? [Internet]. DAA. 2020. [cited 2021 May 3]. Available from: https://dietitiansaustralia.org.au/what-dietitans-do/dietitian-or-nutritionist/ |