Grapefruit diet
The grapefruit diet is a low-calorie diet that involves eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice at each meal. People following this diet must eat only three meals per day. Snacking between meals is not allowed.
The grapefruit diet is used for obesity, but there is no good scientific evidence supporting its use.
The grapefruit diet is used for obesity, but there is no good scientific evidence supporting its use.
Safety Safety definitions
There isn't enough reliable information to know if the grapefruit diet is safe or what the side effects might be. However, the grapefruit diet might not provide enough calories, essential vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients. This could cause malnutrition. Also, consuming large quantities of grapefruit might cause side effects. See the grapefruit monograph for more information.
NatMed Pro rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate.
Insufficient evidence Effectiveness definitions
- Obesity.
- Other uses.
Dosing & administration
The grapefruit diet is a strict diet that only allows about 800 calories per day. Also, 1/2 of a grapefruit or 200 mL of grapefruit juice must be consumed at each meal. A typical breakfast includes grapefruit, two eggs, two slices of bacon, and a cup of tea or black coffee. A typical lunch or dinner includes grapefruit, a salad, a small amount of meat, an unlimited amount of “non-starchy” vegetables, and a cup of tea or black coffee.
Interactions with pharmaceuticals
It is not known if this diet interacts with any medicines.
Before using this diet, talk with your health professional if you take any medications.
Before using this diet, talk with your health professional if you take any medications.
Interactions with herbs & supplements
There are no known interactions with herbs and supplements.
Interactions with foods
There are no known interactions with foods.
The grapefruit diet is based on the theory that grapefruits contain a fat-burning enzyme that helps the body use fat more quickly. But there is no good scientific evidence supporting this theory. This enzyme has never been identified. Any weight loss that occurs with the grapefruit diet is likely due to eating fewer calories each day.
vital.ly has licensed monographs from TRC Healthcare.
This monograph was last reviewed on 17/12/2024 11:00:00 and last updated on 06/05/2015 00:24:36. Monographs are reviewed and/or updated multiple times per month and at least once per year.
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