Liver extract
Alternate names: Aqueous Liver Extract, Concentré de Foie, Concentré de Foie Néonatal, Desiccated Liver, Desiccated Pork Liver, Extracto de Hígado, Extrait Aqueux de Foie, Extrait de Foie, Extrait de Foie Hydrolysé, Extrait Liquide de Foie, Facteurs Hépatiques, Foie Cru, Foie Desséché, Foie de Porc Desséché, Fractions de Foie, Fractions Hépatiques, Fractions Liquides de Foie, Hydrolysat de Foie, Hydrolyzed Liver Extract, Liquid Liver Extract, Liquid Liver Fractions, Liver, Liver Concentrate, Liver Fraction II, Liver Factors, Liver Fractions, Liver Hydrolysate, Liver Substance, Neonatal Liver Concentrate, Raw Liver, Substance de Foie, Substance Hépatique
Actions: Antimutagenic, Antioxidant, Antitumor, Antiviral, Cellular, Gastrointestinal, Haptotactic migration, Hematologic, Hepatic, Hepatoprotective, Immunologic, Protein synthesis
Liver extract is a product that comes from animal liver, most commonly from cattle. Liver extract is used to make medicine.
People take liver extract by mouth or by injection for various conditions, especially for liver health or as a source of iron and vitamin B12, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
People take liver extract by mouth or by injection for various conditions, especially for liver health or as a source of iron and vitamin B12, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
Safety Safety definitions
When taken by mouth: There isn't enough information to know if liver extract is safe. Since some preparations of liver extract come from animals, there is concern about possible contamination from diseased animals. However, so far there are no reports of diseases in humans that were caused by ingestion of contaminated liver.
Too much iron in the body, including a condition called hemochromatosis: Liver extract contains iron and might make iron metabolism disorders worse. If you have one of these disorders, don't use liver extract.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if liver extract is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.Too much iron in the body, including a condition called hemochromatosis: Liver extract contains iron and might make iron metabolism disorders worse. If you have one of these disorders, don't use liver extract.
NatMed Pro rates effectiveness based on scientific evidence according to the following scale: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate.
Possibly ineffective Effectiveness definitions
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Some research suggests that injecting a combination of bovine liver extract, folic acid, and vitamin B12 for 3 weeks does not seem to improve fatigue in people with CFS.
Insufficient evidence Effectiveness definitions
- Swelling (inflammation) of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus (hepatitis C). Early research suggests that injecting liver extract plus flavin adenine dinucleotide intravenously (by IV) or as a shot into the muscle might improve response to interferon-alpha or interferon-beta therapy in people with hepatitis C.
- Improving liver function.
- Preventing liver damage.
- Treating liver diseases.
- Treating allergies.
- Improving muscle development.
- Improving strength and physical endurance.
- Removing chemicals from the body (detoxification).
- Recovery from chemical addiction.
- Other conditions.
Dosing & administration
The appropriate dose of liver extract depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for liver extract. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.
Interactions with pharmaceuticals
It is not known if Liver Extract interacts with any medicines. Before taking Liver Extract, talk with your healthcare professional if you take any medications.
Interactions with herbs & supplements
Iron: Taking liver extract together with supplemental iron might increase the risk of iron overload.
Interactions with foods
There are no known interactions with foods.
Liver extract contains vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron. In animals, it seems to increase the number of liver cells. It is not known how liver extract might work for medicinal uses in people.
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RRP: $39.95$35.96Save: 10%
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Per capsule:
- Beef liver 167 mg
- Beef kidney 167 mg
- Beef heart 167 mg
- Bovine gelatin 120 mg
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Per tablet:
- Porcine liver
- Thuja occidentalis
- Strychnos ignatii (Ignatia)
- Ruta graveolens
- Arnica montana
- Aconitum napellus (Aconite)
- Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag phos)
- Porcine brain
- Porcine embryo
- Porcine placenta
- Monobasic potassium phosphate
- Selenium
- Phosphoric acid
- Cinochona pubescens
- Sublimed sulphur
- Potassium dichromate
- Gelsemium sempervirens
- Semecarpus orientale
- Conium maculatum
- Hyoscyamus niger
- Anamirta cocculus
- Aesculus hippocastanum (Horsechestnut)
Practitioner product
Per serve:
- Porcine liver
- Porcine anterior pituitary gland
- Porcine adrenal cortex
- Porcine adrenal glands
- Porcine thyroid gland
- Porcine hypothalamus
- Porcine skin
- Porcine kidney
- Phosphoric acid
- Strychnos ignatii (Ignatia)
Practitioner product
Per serve:
- Porcine liver
- Helicobacter pylori
- Pepsin
- Arsenic trioxide
- Candida albicans
- Collinsonia candensis
- Deoxyribonucleic acid
- Dioscorea villosa (Wild yam)
- Grp. A3 - Cereals
- Grp. A4 - Dairy
- Mixed yeast
- Giardia
- Hydrastis canadensis
- Porcine colonic mucous membrane
- Porcine intestinal mucous membrane
- Porcine pancreas
Practitioner product
Per 0.52 mL:
- Porcine liver
- Artemisia vulgaris
- Cina
- Tanacetum vulgare
- Dryopteris filix-mas
- Santoninum
- Spigelia anthelmia
- Teucrium marum
- Porcine intestinal mucous membrane
- Natrium phosphate
Practitioner product
Per serve:
- Porcine liver
- Porcine thyroid gland
- Porcine hypothalamus
- Porcine pancreas
- Porcine parathyroid glands
- Porcine adrenal mendulla
- Porcine thalamus
- Porcine pituitary gland
- Calcium iodide
- Iodine
- Porcine kidney
- Ferrum phosphate (Ferr Phos)
Practitioner product
Practitioner product
RRP: $49.95$44.96Save: 10%
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Per serve:
- Porcine liver
- Galium aparine
- Porcine heart
- Porcine kidney
- Berberis vulgaris (Barberry)
- Iris versicolor
- Porcine large intestine
- Porcine lung
- Porcine lymph nodes
- Porcine nerves
- Porcine pituitary gland
- Porcine skin
- Porcine small intestine
- Porcine spleen
- Porcine sanguis
Practitioner product
Per capsule:
- Beef liver 100 mg
- Beef spleen 100 mg
- Tripe 100 mg
- Beef kidney 100 mg
- Beef heart 100 mg
- Bovine gelatin 120 mg
OOS at supplier
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vital.ly has licensed monographs from TRC Healthcare.
This monograph was last reviewed on 17/06/2024 10:00:00 and last updated on 25/11/2014 22:06:35. Monographs are reviewed and/or updated multiple times per month and at least once per year.
Natural Medicines disclaims any responsibility related to medical consequences of using any medical product. Effort is made to ensure that the information contained in this monograph is accurate at the time it was published. Consumers and medical professionals who consult this monograph are cautioned that any medical or product related decision is the sole responsibility of the consumer and/or the health care professional. A legal License Agreement sets limitations on downloading, storing, or printing content from this Database. No reproduction of this monograph or any content from this Database is permitted without written permission from the publisher. It is unlawful to download, store, or distribute content from this site.